North Carolina Power Substations Damaged By Gunfire!
North Carolina Power Substations Damaged By Gunfire: In response to ongoing power shortages caused by a “deliberate” attack over the weekend in which gunfire destroyed two substations, Moore County, North Carolina, has declared a state of emergency. In North Carolina, the attack left about 45,000 people without electricity.
A curfew is in effect from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. every night throughout the emergency, and county residents are urged to save fuel. Duke Energy’s Jeff Brooks announced on Monday that the firm has brought back power to around 7,000 customers.
Approximately 38,000 people are still without power, and according to Brooks, a complete restoration won’t likely take place until Wednesday or Thursday. Duke Energy general manager Jason Hollifield stated that “the damage is beyond repair in some regions” in a press release that was released earlier in the day.
That leaves us with no choice except to replace substantial equipment, which is not a simple or quick task, according to Hollifield. In addition, the outage has left wastewater pumps in the region inoperable and forced the closure of county schools.

Additionally, the traffic lights are not working. Public access to emergency shelters has been granted. The temperature in Steve and Meg Wilkins’ unheated home in Carthage has dropped to 55 degrees. Steve Wilkins stated, “This is not what I wanted to be doing today, last night, or the night before. “tying up electrical wires. consume cold ham.”
According to Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields, power outages were initially reported to the police on Saturday, Dec. 3, shortly after 7:00 p.m. Utility companies reacted to the substations, and Fields said on Sunday that they found “evidence that indicated that intentional vandalism had happened at many sites.” You may also check A Virginia Man Drowns In Near Duck Lake, North Carolina.
I’ve been in contact w/ @DukeEnergy about the vandalism causing power outages for customers in Moore County, NC and the @DOE_CESER team is working w/ federal partners.
Law enforcement is investigating this serious incident and Duke is working around the clock to restore service.
— Secretary Jennifer Granholm (@SecGranholm) December 5, 2022
Sunday afternoon, Fields held a press conference where he claimed that gunfire was to blame for the damage. Assaults were “targeted” and carried out by someone or something who “knew precisely what they were doing,” according to Fields, who said that the scenario was the same at both locations.
The incident, which is being looked into as a criminal act, has no stated reason. If the act qualifies as domestic terrorism, Fields was unable to state so during his press conference on Sunday. Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, addressed the issue on Monday afternoon and stated that the attack “appears to have been deliberate.”
Someone fired weapons at power substations, knocking out electricity to thousands, some soldiers and their families, near Fort Bragg, North Carolina:
— Military Times (@MilitaryTimes) December 5, 2022
“We are addressing the issue affecting the power that reaches houses in the targeted neighborhoods,” Mayorkas said. “We are engaging with energy firms in local towns.” “Is it an act of misconduct or something else, is the question.
Early indications point to intentionality. The probe is also ongoing.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Charlotte, North Carolina, division is also investigating the attack. The FBI office told CBS News on Sunday that it was “investigating the purposeful damage to electrical facilities” nearby, but it would not elaborate further due to the continuing nature of the probe.
A former Army PsyOps officer who vehemently protested a drag show scheduled in North Carolina says deputies questioned her about mass power outages in the county. Media said police are investigating multiple power substations that were allegedly “shot up.”
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) December 4, 2022
Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina described the incident as a “criminal act” in a press conference on Monday afternoon. Cooper stated that “this was a planned attack that seriously injured individuals.”
Domestic violent extremists “have established credible, specific plans to attack power infrastructure since at least 2020, identifying the electric grid as a particularly desirable target,” according to a Department of Homeland Security bulletin acquired by CBS News in January.
After 9/11, a major concern was terrorist attack on infrastructure.
In NC tens of thousands lost power because of sabotage of utilities, with speculation that it was connected with an effort to stop a drag show event from taking place.— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) December 5, 2022
DHS, however, hasn’t made any statements tying the current events in Moore County to radicalism. There are about 55,000 substations in the US. The vulnerability they frequently experience was covered by “60 Minutes” earlier this year.
According to Jon Wellinghoff, a former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “you just need to take down a very small number of substations in the entire United States to knock out the entire system” (’60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker).
Frequently Asked Questions
What caused the power outage in Moore County NC?
According to Moore County and Duke Energy officials, the outages are the result of two substations in the county being intentionally damaged by firearms.
Where was the power outage in NC?
After weekend attacks on substations in Moore County, North Carolina, thousands of people are still without electricity as of Monday. Officials claim that “deliberate” and “targeted” attacks are to blame for the outages.
What caused the North Carolina power outage?
In response to ongoing power shortages caused by a “deliberate” attack over the weekend in which gunfire destroyed two substations, Moore County, North Carolina, has declared a state of emergency. In North Carolina, the attack left about 45,000 people without electricity.
Final Lines
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