Nancy Pelosi Stepping Down From House Democratic Leadership After 2 Decades!
Pelosi Stepping Down From House Democratic Leadership: Nancy Pelosi, the first female speaker of the House, announced on Thursday that she would not run for re-election as Democratic leader. With the party preparing to cede its majority to the Republicans, Pelosi’s two decades as leader of the Democratic caucus will come to an end.
After winning a 19th term in the House in last week’s midterm elections, Pelosi will remain in office and play a less prominent role when the new Congress convenes in January. Now, Pelosi added, “we must courageously proceed into the future, rooted in the values that have guided us thus far and open to new opportunities for the future.”
“I have a lot of faith in our caucus, so I won’t run for Democratic leadership in the upcoming Congress. For me, it’s time for a younger generation to take the helm of the Democratic caucus.” Pelosi began her address by outlining her journey “from homemaker to House speaker,” starting with the first time she saw the U.S. Capitol at the age of six and ending with her time spent working with presidents of both parties.
She honoured the Americans who served before her and praised the historic legislative actions of the House, such as the abolition of slavery and the extension of the right to vote to women, while referring to the Capitol as a “temple of our democracy, of our Constitution, of our noblest aspirations.”

The beginning of a new day made her say, “I always look forward to the unfolding story of our country. An unfinished duty to turn today’s dreams into tomorrow’s realities is always there in this tale of light and love, patriotism and progress, and the coming together of many people.
Pelosi finished her speech to a loud ovation from her Democratic counterparts, who hugged her as she left the podium. According to the White House, President Biden phoned Pelosi on Thursday morning and gave her his congratulations on her term.
The president stated in a statement, “When I think of Nancy Pelosi, I think of decency. “She will go down in history as the most important Speaker of the House of Representatives in our country’s history.
She exemplifies the duty of elected officials to maintain their oath to God and the nation to ensure that our democracy delivers and continues to be a beacon to the rest of the world in innumerable instances.
She exhibits dignity in her acts and in the lives of the people of this country in whatever she does.” Months of rumors regarding Pelosi’s political future have come to an end with her decision to open the door for a new group of legislators to lead the caucus.
Scripture teaches us that, for everything, there is a season – and a time for every purpose under heaven.
As Speaker, it has been my privilege to play a part in forging extraordinary progress for the American people.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) November 17, 2022
It also comes after her husband Paul Pelosi was violently attacked at their San Francisco home last month, which the speaker warned CNN might affect her decision to resign. The alleged attacker had Pelosi as his or her target, but she was in Washington at the time.
Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader and Pelosi’s longstanding No. 2, will step down from the leadership of the Democratic Party alongside Pelosi. Hoyer wrote a letter to his colleagues informing them that he would stay in Congress but forgo taking on a leadership role.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the head of the Democratic Caucus, will now be able to become the party’s leader when Democratic members cast their votes in the leadership elections at the end of the month as a result of his decision.
Hoyer praised Jeffries as a “talented and capable leader” and endorsed him to succeed Pelosi as the Democratic leader. The third-ranking Democrat in the House, Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, lauded Pelosi as a leader who “made an indelible impression” on Congress and the country.
Additionally, he named Jeffries, Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, and Rep. Pete Aguilar of California as members of the new generation of Democratic leaders to whom he would like to lend his support.
Nancy Pelosi was the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House, but thanks to her leadership, she won’t be the last. Thank you, Madame Speaker, for the trails you’ve blazed and the doors you’ve opened.
— Melinda French Gates (@melindagates) November 17, 2022
Clyburn praised Pelosi for “meeting the challenges of steering this body through the best and worst of circumstances.” “The characteristics of her storied tenure are her steady hand, principled principles, and unrivalled ability to forge consensus among the most diverse caucus the country has ever known.”
Before her speech, Pelosi opened the House session. She was greeted with acclaim when she entered the House chamber while wearing a white suit, a colour frequently used by suffragists. Pelosi spoke in front of dozens of her Democratic party’s colleagues, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Godspeed, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson as he ended his brief remarks on the House floor before her speech. Thursday morning brought no clarity as to Pelosi’s choice, which has been the subject of months of rumours in Washington. According to a person with knowledge of the situation, she took two drafts of her speech home with her on Wednesday night to study, showing that she was still undecided.
Since her election to the House of Representatives in 1987, Pelosi has risen through the ranks of the party’s leadership, first serving as minority whip (her election to that post made Pelosi the highest-ranking woman in congressional history), and then as the party’s leader, a position she has held since 2003.
When Democrats gained control of the House in 2007, she made history by becoming the first woman to hold the position. Since then, she has served as speaker for four nonconsecutive terms, bringing together a frequently acrimonious Democratic caucus to enact some of the most important pieces of legislation in recent memory under the Obama and Biden administrations.
Thank you @SpeakerPelosi , a close & reliable friend of Ireland, as you step down as Speaker. You’ve shown remarkable leadership through public service.
You’ll always remain a friend with a special place here in #Ireland. @dfatirl— Simon Coveney (@simoncoveney) November 17, 2022
Mr Biden praised Pelosi for her success in advancing Democratic goals through the House and referred to her as a force in securing the backing required to carry out her party’s legislative agenda. The president declared, “With her leading the way, you never worry about whether a bill will pass.”
“She is correct if she claims to have the votes. Each time.” Her blatant support for liberal causes made her an easy target for Republicans on the campaign trail, and GOP candidates have made her a staple of attack advertising for years.
She oversaw both House impeachment proceedings against the former president and was one of his toughest critics. After Trump’s State of the Union speech in 2020, when Pelosi tore up a copy of his comments, their strained relationship was spectacularly on display.
And on Thursday, she failed to name the 45th president as she praised the legislative accomplishments of Bush, Obama, and Mr Biden. Pelosi discussed how the makeup of the House has changed over her more than three decades in Congress, highlighting the increase in women serving but stating that “we want more.”
She stated, “I have witnessed this body become more reflective of our great and lovely nation. Despite Pelosi’s commitment to restrict her tenure as Democratic leader to four years in 2018, which helped her win back the speaker’s gavel, she has been urged to change her mind after the “red wave” predicted for Republicans did not materialize.
The speaker said in an interview with CNN on Sunday that she had been asked by her Democratic colleagues to “consider” running in the caucus’ leadership elections, which will take place at the end of the month.
However, she insisted that any decision to do so would be “rooted in the wishes of my family and my caucus.” According to Politico, Mr Biden also requested that Pelosi continues in her position, telling the California Democrat that “I hope you stick” after she successfully ran for reelection herself.
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